Well, hello there!
Just a disclaimer: I know nothing about blogging. I'm just a gal in her 30's, navigating through this beautiful (and sometimes messy and confusing) gift of life that has been given to me. I have been wanting to have a place to share some of my thoughts and some of the things I am learning in my life, and the thought of committing to starting a blog definitely scares me. I have years' worth of journals that are filled with my thoughts and prayers. I figured, blogging can't be too much different, right? So, I'm going for it - why not?
In 2019, I felt like God was laying the phrase "Visible God" on my heart. I had no idea what to do with it, but I wrote that phrase down in the "notes" portion of my iPhone on 11/19/2019 after I was studying the word in a coffee shop (shameless plug for my favorite place, Bridge Street Brew in Chippewa Falls, WI). Since then, I have been writing "posts" into my journals and onto my computer hard drive of the things that I have been learning in my personal time and study with the Lord. I didn't know why I had this desire or motivation to write, but it is nothing new. If I could have a dollar for every "book" I wrote as a young kid, every time I told anyone and everyone that I was going to be a writer when I grew up, I would probably be rich. But, as God usually works, over the past few months I've felt multiple nudges to begin taking it to the next step and begin sharing with others.
The phrase "Visible God" didn't just come from nowhere, even though it does seem like it. This is something that God has been teaching me over the past year or so, that He is ALIVE, VISIBLE, and PRESENT in every aspect of life. He never stops SEEING, LISTENING, SPEAKING, and RESPONDING. He is relentless in the pursuit of His people. One of my biggest desires is that I can DIG into His word and immerse myself in prayer and intentional study, so I learn as much as I can about my Creator. He knows every single ounce of my being - He created me, He wove me together in the womb, and it is my desire to get to know HIM. THIS is my heart behind this - it is an act of worship and pursuit of the God who is constantly pursuing me. And He does NOT do this unseen.
Like I said, I am a 100% newbie, fresh, blogger. You'll probably see a ton of typos, I'll probably lack consistency in posting, and to be quite honest I won't truly know what I am doing all the time (cough, cough, most of the time). I'm extremely imperfect, but that's OK. I also know that I have been given a love for my God, a desire to share my heart with others, and a hope that these writings can be used for HIS glory. Whether these written words are read by one person or thousands of people, I pray that in the process I can learn a ton more about who HE is, because there is NOTHING more important in this life than having a relationship with my Creator. If I can draw closer to HIM through this, then I would consider my goal already accomplished.