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Why I Became a Physical Therapist.

*Inspired by Ephesians 2:10

I cannot think of one thing that brought me to want to become a physical therapist. Was it the ACL injury I had as a senior in high school and the months of rehab that came afterwards? Absolutely not… For a year after that, I swore I would never become a physical therapist or be involved in the healthcare field in any single way. I was dead set against it – so much that I went to Winona State to become an engineer.

But, God is good.

I don’t know when my thoughts began turning from engineering back towards becoming a physical therapist. I knew that I would not become an engineer after absolutely hating an on-site visit to an engineering firm and with the upper level calculus courses bringing me to tears much more often than I ever want to admit to. After my second semester at Winona State, I had no idea what I wanted to do, but I knew I wanted to make a difference in someone’s life. I remember my college track coach asking me what I wanted to be when I graduated from college. I told him I had no idea, and he responded by asking what I enjoy most in life. I remember thinking of the 4 mission trips I had been on up until that point and I told him that, whatever I did, I wanted to serve others.

After having this conversation, I knew that, even though I had rejected being involved in healthcare for so many years of my life, healthcare was definitely a great place to serve others. I think that physical therapy was one of the few types of healthcare I had been exposed to, so I decided on that.

God is good.

I am so thankful about the fact that God brought me to the beautiful world of physical therapy – it has been such a blessing. I cannot tell you why I picked the field of physical therapy, but I do know why I choose to love the field of physical therapy every single day. I could go on for hours about the patients I have seen do the impossible, even this early in my career. I have seen many miracles right in front of my eyes, people who were paralyzed on all four limbs walk out of the hospital, people who were told they would never walk again get up and run, people beating the odds every single day. I have had multiple opportunities to pray with patients who are going through one of the most difficult times of their life. I have had the opportunity to present the gospel of Jesus Christ, our Savior, to patients who could see no end to the things they have going on in their lives. I have had patients open up to me about many different mental health disorders that are very real and life-changing, and God has led me through those tough conversations. God shows up for me, for those I love, for those I serve in His name. Being in this field just reminds me every single day that I have no power and no control, yet I can find joy in being obedient to the One who is all-powerful and knows all things. Being in this field reminds me that I am nothing without my Savior, Jesus Christ.

God is good.

I realize every day that how on earth I got to be where I am now matters less than the fact that I continue to be obedient to the One who leads me and guides my footsteps, so that I can be a part of the plan that is much bigger than who I am, what I am capable of, and what I think is best for me. I am so thankful that He didn’t allow me to fixate on the thought that I would never be involved in healthcare. I am so thankful for His guidance on every single step that lead me to this point, as well as all of the steps I will continue to take as a physical therapist, but most importantly as a Child of God. Even though I love this field of work, I deserve none of it. It is a GIFT given to me from God to love others, serve others, and to glorify Him and His name.

God is so, so good.

Scripture References:

Ephesians 2:10

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.


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